Thursday, August 5, 2010

Roman's First Flight

Happened to catch this just after take off. Roman, Janine and I head out to Agenda/Costal Carnage for some work/play out in Hunington Beach, CA. So far the trip has been great but the flight out here was pretty tough. It started with a gentleman's agreement where Roman and I agreed to sleep for 20 minutes before embarking on our 2.5 hour wrestling match. He was good for most of the flight, napping occasionally but was certainly very squirmy and occupied every inch of Janine and my two seat area. Sometimes laughing, sometimes moaning and even crying momentarily just before landing. Glad to be here, wish we could just zip back instead of having to put him through it again. Apparently the lady next to us thought he did great. Seeing as how she is a grandmother, she would probably be a better authority on just how tough or easy he actually was.