Thursday, March 12, 2009

Talk About Potential

Now, everyone knows someone who absolutely kills it on a skateboard, but doesn't seem to care much about doing anything with it. You know, the guy that doesn't skate for two months and but somehow can still kickflip backside noseblunt a ledge among other ridiculous skateboard oddities, without an effort what so ever. It isn't that these people make us mad, it is just that it is frustrating seeing them throw it all away. This is a picture of a kid that is super underrated, quite possibly one of the top ten best in Texas when he "feels" like it. Everyone is sleeping on this kid, even him. I guess it is the kids that take life like this that help the rest of us keep it in perspective. Their motto definitely seems to be,"if it isn't fun, don't do it, no matter what anyone else says." Anyway, when I do cross paths with this kid I am always really glad to see him. i am ever more glad to just sit and watch him destroy it and make the people around him skate that much harder. I just wish that sometime, maybe one day, he will actually skate the park for a solid week before a contest and show up and let everyone know just how amazing he really is. Guru would back me up on this kids ability if you need a second opinion, if you had a chance to see him for yourself, you wouldn't, you would just know. The other image below is of my wife's good cooking and silliness when I am still half awake, just look at all that potential staring you in the face.

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