Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sometimes it Just Rains

A couple weeks ago David, Dakota and I went out to one of our favorite weekday spots only to get rained on. It takes a solid 45 minutes to an hour depending on traffic to get out to the spot. Dakota had a line he was trying to get and David had some things that he wanted to try a film as well. It certainly looked threatening on the drive out, but we thought that we might get lucky. As we usually go to Galveston if it is raining in Houston and it works like a charm. This time the rain finally caught up with us and no sooner than we had gotten out of the car and started rolling around the spot went from "good to go" to "soaking wet" within minutes. I just thought I would shoot a photo of it for you just to share the disappointment of the day. We have since returned to the spot and taken care of a couple things that we had been wanting to do. In fact last time Jeff Gilmer and John Danielson came along and it was a literal footage party all day. Sequences, medium format, digital, variable frames rates, double angle HVX clips, you name it, we shot it, and we'll do it again too, because Dakota happened to be out of town and will need to go back for that line.

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