Thursday, August 6, 2009

Deathwish, Baker, Shakejunt, Brigada August 1st

So, hopefully you were smart enough to make the trek over to Southside to check out one of the most epic demos of all time at the park. We raised $900 towards to Make a Wish Foundation Savings Fund, through our usual $3 donation for spectators. Of course, if you happen to skate the park prior to the demo and paid your usual fee to come in, the demo was just an added bonus with no extra charges. At this demo Southside had the pleasure of hosting Antwuan Dixon, Erik Ellington, Andrew Reynolds, Slash, Sammy Baca, Brian Herman, Jeff Lenoce, Lizard King, Figgy, Moose, Furby, Theotis Beasley, Reno, Shane Heyl and Alex Neck. I could go on and on about how amazing the music, skateboarding, crowd, locals, beer, signing, tour shirts, free product, homies, mic skills of the Shakejunt, BeagleONEism, was but I think I am going to just let the images do the talking, just too much to to explain everything that happened thoughout the day and night. Check it out, oh and Antwuan has a seriously gnarly toe, considering that he is only 20 years old and his feet look like they are 80 something, stay tuned, see below.

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