Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bruised Like a Banana

David, Dakota and I are currently running our first summer camp for the kids up at the park and one of the gnarlier kids had some bruised legs that I thought were interesting. This picture really doesn't do it justice. If I didn't know this kid or his parents I would think that maybe he is being abused at home. His legs are so blackened that it reminded me of how haggard my legs used to be as a kid. Trying numerous tricks over and over again, slamming them into my shins over and over again. It is a time in a skateboarder's life where you are too young to understand the technique behind what you are trying to do, or even how to do it for that matter. I will have to admit that this kid has really improved a lot over the last year, as he was in our camps last summer and I was teaching him how to ollie. Since then I would have to say that he must have taken a liking to smashing his board into his shins. Hopefully during this week's camp some more technique works it's way into his train of thought on how to approach new tricks. He does have the ability to learn anything, but at what price?

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