When you go to this bank it takes a little while to figure out what amazing potential it has. It just needs a little help from a large wheel barrel, 20 bags of quickcrete, 10 gallons or more of water, a shovel and a trowel. Don't forget the small army of die hard skateboarders down to put their hard earned money and time into pouring some tranny at the bottom of this perfect steep bank. If this spot were in Austin it would have already been taken care of. I am tempted to invest and go out there and handle it with Chris Summers. I would imagine that he might be the only person I could count on to help me knock this out, oh and the fact that I have never done it before. Sure, I have bondoed a few things, but I have never messed with pouring cement. Opposite this steep bank is a more mellow but super high bank, small mellow tranny pours for frontside and backside could be poured so that people could get a proper run up. The ditch seems as though it never floods. The steep bank is calling for an 8' to 10' wide pour. You guys need to realize what you have in front of you and make this happen. I know that if I took the time to take care of it, I would be seeing footage coming out of there for years.
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