Monday, January 26, 2009

Michael Earned his Beer

For some reason Michael Cross decided to quit his job and go on the trip. He probably skated the hardest and he definetly came home with the most footage. Since I had never filmed him before it was pretty easy. It wasn't like we were having to recall what he had and had not already done. I don't think he would be doing that anyway as he doesn't seem to be that type of skater. At some spots he was just killing it and not really waiting around to explain what he wanted to film, I doubt he really cared at all. We really like Michael becuase he is a skaters skater. He just kills it, no film, no photos, just wrecks shit. He doesn't try to get "hooked up," he just goes out and has fun on his skateboard. Thats the type of skateboarders that we subscribe to. Southside Skatepark has your back, what you choose to do with that is totally up to you.

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