Friday, January 30, 2009

Things to Do While in LA

So, after we were all settled in at the Roosevelt I texted Steve for the location of the Berrics. He replied and we cruised over there to shoot some images of the park and get some ideas about our own park. It is hard to visualize new things that would work well within the current set up at Southside, so I thought this might help. The office area is pretty tight, there are all kinds of things being monitored and done there. I saw a tray of AVE raw footage tapes, didn't see any footage of course. Thought I would go ahead and shoot a photo of the Game of SKATE bracket that is mid game right now. This weekend is going to be insane as we are now down to the semi-finals. the pictures below are of the "boardroom" just look at how many decks there are. You know they aren't even skated that much either. There are probably a few of those, "I just don't like this deck" in there. They have lights, interchangeable rails for the set, all kinds of mini props that change existing larger structures. I will post up some shots of the park tomorrow, glad to have been able to stop by and check it out.

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